Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm Back

I tried starting this blog a couple years ago when I was still in school. Unfortunately other commitments dragged me away after only a few posts. However, now I am two years older, wiser, and ready to get back here and help some students take advantage of all the opportunities out there to help ease the financial burden of college. I hope just a few of my ideas help someone out that or at least get your own thoughts going as to the possibilities out there. Please leave me comments so I can know if what I'm saying is helping or if I should address different issues, really anything at all is appreciated. Still looking to find my blogging voice but hope to find it soon.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Get Paid to Surf

Share in advertising revenue by being a potential customer, at no cost and without obligations.
When a company advertises its business, it is done through an adverting medium that serves as a middleman for the company and you. Instead of the advertising medium collecting all of the money, Agloco pays you by the hour to run a piece of software at the bottom of your Internet browser, called the Viewbar. The Viewbar collects data about your surfing behavior and displays related advertisements accordingly. If you make a purchase through a Viewbar advertisement, part of your expenditure will be returned to you as a discount. Nothing is more important to Agloco than its members, because companies that advertise their businesses are in search of a large audience.For this reason you are rewarded for signing up new members, with a 5 level network structure. It means that you will receive a percentage of the activity from people that you refer, and from people that they refer, and so on. This is not a negative pyramid construction, because every member is directly funded by Agloco itself, and not by other members at the bottom. You are not obligated to refer anyone. So check them out at www.agloco.com. And if you want to help me out then click on this link: www.agloco.com/r/BBCJ9291. Thanx guys and good luck.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

T-shirt Business

One money making opportunity I have checked out involves running a t-shirt business. Several companies such as cafepress.com and printmojo.com handle all the details for you, all you have to bring is your creativity. You simply design what you would like your t-shirt to look like (including color and any other detail) and upload it to the website. Cafepress will then setup an online store for you in which you can sell your products. There is absolutely no cost to you, cafepress keeps all the inventory for you and takes care of screening and shipping as well. You make a profit based on the difference between the price you set for your products and the cost cafepress sets based on the features you have selected. You don't have to be limited to only t-shirts either, you can also sell many other items including mousepads, coffee mugs, calendars, and much more. So for all you artistic students out there why not get paid for your skill. Good luck.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Make Yourself a Millionaire

Want to make a million dollars? Sure you do. Here's one way guaranteed way to make that happen: compound interest. Whatever you do to make money pay yourself first. It doesn't matter if it's not alot at first but if you do it consistently and start saving more when you can then it will add up. For example saving just $200 a month until you retire will amount to over half a million dollars, if you start now. If you wait another ten years to start you would have to save $400 a month to reach about the same amount. So start saving today and turn a couple dollars a day into a million for retirement.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Who am I?

My name is Cam and I'm a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill. Throughout my college career I have struggled finding ways to make money to help defray the costs. Being a double major as well as an athlete has presented a limit of my time, thus limiting my ability to hold a regular job. As a result I have searched for many alternative avenues to make money. In this blog I will discuss these methods as well as review products and services I believe are useful for college students. Check back regularly for updates.